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Holiday Nutrition- Eat, Digest, and Be Merry

As the holiday season has officially commenced, we hope you find yourself surrounded by some delicious foods.  However, while food is a central part of celebration- bringing joy, comfort, and connection- we know festive foods do not always feel like a celebration in your gastrointestinal tract.

Whether you have a known gastrointestinal condition or are struggling with new digestive symptoms, there can be extra stress with eating through this food-centric season, especially as usual eating habits tend to shift.

Holiday gatherings and the holiday season, in general, can be a stressful time regardless. Because of the direct link between the brain and gut, food alone may not be the issue, but rather financial pressures, difficult family situations or challenging emotions can affect the way your digestive system reacts.

A sensitive system can be difficult to navigate when holiday fare is the star of bonding, socialization, religious observance, and tradition. But we should all have the right to eat and be digestively merry regardless of life’s obstacles!

NYGA’s dynamic nutrition team is here to help you experience freedom and pleasure as you eat through the holidays. Our three expertly trained GI dietitian-nutritionists provide individualized nutrition strategies so you can minimize digestive symptoms and maximize fun, relaxation, and positive memories this season.