
Work Experience at Nursing Home

December, 2005

¾«¶«Ó°Òµintegrates work experience at nursing homes within the employee training program in order for every employee to share the value of thinking and performing from the perspectives of patients, families, and ordinary citizens.

In the nursing home, employees are able to gain an understanding of the true nature of nursing care through communication with the facility users and the caregivers (conversations, helping with patient exercise, assisting with health checks, etc.), as well as experience the importance of seeing things from the other person's point of view and feeling genuine concern for others.

This training was launched for all employees last December, and already 1,000 employees have visited nursing homes.

When we asked the many employees who have visited the nursing homes, they all replied along the lines of, “Actually going to a nursing home changed my image of the place by seeing and hearing things with my own eyes and ears. ” Many employees commented on the difficulty of knowing the true situation without undergoing this kind of experience, and on the importance of seeing things from the perspective of the other person, as reflected in comments such as “From the caregivers attitude, I have realized the importance of having a strong feeling of sympathy for others, and of interacting with others from their point of view.”

¾«¶«Ó°Òµwill continue this field training in order to allow each employee to understand the emotions of patients, their families, and ordinary citizens, and make contributions accordingly.
