At NYGA, a board-certified gastroenterologist with expertise in inflammatory bowel disease directly oversees each aspect of your infusion care, unlike at most outpatient facilities. NYGA’s GI experts integrate your medical history, recent blood tests, and infusion history to optimize the timing and dosing of each infusion treatment. This means that you will receive the best possible drug dosing – which can be the difference between a good and unsatisfactory outcome.
We follow best practices and safety protocols, and we monitor you throughout your visit. Clinical adverse reactions are rare, but our physicians and infusion staff are qualified to recognize and safely manage them. We infuse up to three patients at a time to provide the personalized, focused attention needed to ensure your safety.
Coordination of Care
We take care of everything, including obtaining insurance approvals, scheduling the appointment, obtaining the medication, and arranging blood testing.
Comfort and Privacy
You receive your infusion treatment in a private, quiet, infusion room in our office on Fifth Avenue on the Upper East Side.